Chile Travel
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In Vicuņa I caught Ina Rojas Duno
Ricardo with his hired man, Ivan
Ricardo with his friend, Memo
And then I came upon this old guy, on the beach at
Papudo, checking email with his new iPod Touch
Life is hard
In Valpariso one day, while riding up an ascensor, I
meet Ely
We stroll to the shop of a friend of hers
Then share a glass of wine at a nearby hotel
And she invites me to dinner at the home of her invalid
ex-mother-in-law Lucy, whom she cares for
Ely and I become good friends, inviting me to frequent
lunches at Lucy's house
And she joins me at the beach in Papudo
And I try not to miss opportunities to photograph
beautiful women
Here's one in Vicuņa
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