Chile Travel
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In Vicuña's plaza I found Cecilia and Lucy, daughter and mother
Here's Ana Del Carmen of Vicuña
Strolling in Diagita, a town near Vicuña, I spied Manuel Araya sitting
in his doorway. Love that face!
Ricardo (in Vicuña) makes friends wherever he goes
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Ricardo dries tomatoes in his back yard
They're by far the best I've ever tasted
Luis Rojas in Copiapo
He sells coca
Gilda, in Copiapo
That face seems to have an ineffable sadness--or is it
total tranquility?
Ivan plays his charango in Copiapo
Lady in Copiapo
I love talking to prostitutes. They're so open and
Here's two old working girls in Copiapo
And two young working girls in Copiapo
They tend to congregate around one particular bench in
the plaza
And two young lovers in Copiapo
Woman with son, in La Serena
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