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Music, Street Performance
I heard first-class jazz at Club Jazz in Coquimbo
And elegant sitar music on the street in Valparaiso
Jazz in a public square in Valparaiso
Jazz outdoors in Coquimbo, where a man and his wife sport the same
Jugglers performing for money from cars stopped at a traffic light
Common sight in La Serena and other towns
Mime in the English Barrio of Coquimbo
But the most special night out was in Valparaiso
Xevy (from Spain) and Elisa (from Santiago) invited me along to a nightclub
It was packed, so we sat at the bar
Next to me sat a woman and her daughter
The daughter says to me, "My mother wants to dance" I
say "But I don't dance" (largely true)
Two minutes later, "My mother really wants to dance."
"But I don't dance"
"She really wants to dance"
We danced
She claims I'm a good dancer
A singer was performing, accompanied by keyboard and guitar
So I put a bug in their ear that Elisa sings
She sang, to wonderful applause
After while the band is playing "It Had to be You" and I felt
it had to be me
So I got up and belted one out
In Vicuņa, International Women's Day brings a celebration to the
...where a woman performs a poem (I think by Gabriela Mistral, Chilean
The carnival inVicuņa, with a parade that winds around the plaza
several times
Here, Hare Krishna dancers wend their wa through the
With a real live witch doctor
And Chile's version of Raging Grannies
One striking phenomenon of
this festival was that, as I walked through the crowd, time after time
kids would start laughing among themselves and surreptitiously pointing
at me. Then I'd give them a big "Ho Ho Ho" and everyone
in the whole area would burst out laughing.
After the parade had ended a restaurant that faced the plaza was
packed with young men watching soccer on TV. As I passed by they
broke into "Jingle Bells" I stopped, waved, watched the
game for a few minutes with them. As I left, I gave them a big Ho
Ho Ho, to loud cheering
It started in Mendoza, where I was walking along a street and a
couple of youths chanted "Ho Ho Ho" as I passed. In
Chile I got it very very often
In Vicuņa it was especially pronounced. I'd be walking along
the street and youths would start singing "Feliz Navidad."
In all cases I would turn to them and give them a Ho Ho Ho in
return. Always to their great delight. |
Cueca has been Chile's national dance since 1979
In La Serena I caught a Cueca festival
The dance is, to my tastes, not a very compelling one. I did
enjoy the costumes, however
Especially the Sombrero de Paņo, worn here by Luis Cuello,
accompanied by Patricia Vanar
In Vicuņa there was a mini Cueca festival
I even danced a bit (well...she danced while I waved a white kerchief)
I told you, I don't dance
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