Chile Travel
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The church, the state, and Coca Cola
In North America you occasionally see along a highway a
white cross that marks where someone was killed in an auto accident.
There may be a few flowers or minor mementos, but it is usually not much
In Chile, though, these memorials, or Animitas, are
quite a prominent feature
In my driving trip north from Vicuņa to Copiapo along
Route 5, I photographed more than 30 of these--and had to bypass many more
than that. Sometimes there would be one every kilometer or so
They range from simple affairs
To quite elaborate, substantial productions
Like this one, which occupies a whole promontory
Or this one, with elegant, elaborate tile work and
architectural integrity
Some are forlorn and look forsaken
Others bear evidence of loving care and attention
They may be bland
Or colorful
But three components are present in many of them
A cross
A Chilean flag
And a Coke bottle
Some have all three
The messages displayed vary from
"Your memory will always live in our hearts"
To imagined dialog
"Your prayers will be listened to. Seņor God
prays for us"
"I am God Your lifelong friend"
To wry commentary
"Here lie two loving idiots..."
"Smile, Christ loves you"
Some are straightforward and easy to pass by
Others invite commentary
The message may be scrawled casually on almost any
Others are handsomely engraved
Or scribed in concrete
or with stone chips laid on the ground
Browse more in
the "Animitas" gallery
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