Chile Travel
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Appropriate Technology
I'm always fascinated by instances of technology with
the right scale and design
Valparaiso's ascensors (trams) are a good example
Since most of Valparaiso is built on hillsides, the two
dozen or so ascensors are a godsend
True, they may be centuries old, and feel rickety...
...and you sometimes worry, knowing that the only thing
that separates you from rolling into the sea, is this
But of course there are alternatives even to the
You can
Start here and walk
up, then more
stairs, and more stairs, then this
walkway, and this |
Wait, you're not finished yet
Just a few more
stairs, then a few
more, then a not-so-gentle incline,
and finally the last leg.
Not so bad; keeps you young |
Delivering dry cleaning in Mendoza
Racks for holding garbage for pick up, in many towns in
Argentina and Chile
The rats and the dogs are disappointed, but...
And a variation on that, near Papudo
Just north of La Serena, this semi-hermit brings in the
In a number of towns I encountered the scooter culture
They're efficient to begin with, but add a second human,
...and a kid...
---even an infant...
...well, the whole family
Remember the neighborhood broom-maker from Turkey?
Well, this cat makes it even simpler
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