
Walking Neighborhoods 

Mrauk U



Mrauk U has some rather upscale neighborhoods, 






but my heart remains with the poorer, scruffier ones




The view from my guest house


You see that lane that runs next to the house across the street?



My daily routine was to start walking here




along this path


and before long kids would start coming out of the woodwork



often turning into a sizeable crowd



I really loved those kids



as in all SE Asian countries, everything seems to happen outdoors




and on the ground


(except sex and sleeping)




well, the sex may be indoors, but outdoor bathing is quite common



Than Thwen and family


he's a senior clerk of the judicial court in Mrauk U



Back at my hotel, I saw these two boys riding bikes, carrying these two girls


Too late to photo the bikes, but here they are on the balcony of my hotel


Their grace and poise are astonishing, don't you think?



I was equally impressed with the poise and presence of this girl




Not hard to imagine her as a competent, confident adult, is it?


but sadly, quite likely to lack the opportunities enjoyed by her western counterparts




I love the audacious color combination



The iceman cometh




When the owner of my guest house discovered I travel with a blood pressure cuff, he eagerly converted the lobby to an ad hoc clinic

20 or 30 passersby were enticed in for a checkup





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